Saturday, October 27, 2012

Massive Media

 It's a Jungle Out There!

I've started a new post many times now, undecided as to what to write, bummed out that I'm not pumping these things out.  So what's more important?  Blogs or new compositions?  Posts or songs on YouTube? Tweeting, or finding more sites to link the music to?  And on and on, and so forth, etc...It depends on who you ask, I suppose.  A person in marketing; INTERNET Exposure!  A composer; More SONGS!  It's the chicken and egg deal, got to have music to in order to market, got to have marketing or no one will hear...Wow!  "things" have sure changed for those of us from previous generations.

Lables, labels...I am a singular-non-signed-inner-dependent-the whole band-non-pop or rap-musician-and/or composer.  Have to have labels these days so people can identify the music.  Have to have an identity for the music,  so people won't be confused.  Can't have people thinking for themselves.  Why do we need to have someone label and name it for us? It's the lemmings syndrome, follow the pack, Don't Think For Yourself.  Even more important is the style of music.  So many styles, it's unbelievable!  "So, what kind of music do you write?"  " and bass-trance-rock, or something like that."  "Oh, OK, yea, that's good, ever sold any of this stuff?"  "Hell no!  who would buy something that doesn't have a clear and concise label?  I can't understand your music.

And then there's the many, many media sites where you can upload your music, so people can hear your songs.  More and more sites each day.  The artists' product gets lost in in the site, because there are hundreds (or more) of other artists, trying to "pimp their stuff".  Of course, you have to link it to all of the social media sites because, maybe, just maybe, someone might help you out.

All of this, too, in hopes that a music library would sign you and add your music to their catalog of hundreds or maybe thousands of songs by artists trying the same thing, get the music placed, TV or film, or somewhere.  Key words here:  placement, licensing, mechanical, synch, royalties, money.
My brother Michael thinks it would be great to release a CD titled:
Trying Desperately To Be Noticed!  

But, you know what?  I love it all, the ins and outs of it, the whole deal.  Give up?  NEVER!



  1. Good thoughts. I can see how trying to label your own work can get very frustrating. Still, it all boils down to exposure.

    1. I believe, perhaps, you missed my point. The piece is supposed to be a humorous treatise on how it's getting absurd with labels, and the explosion of media sites.

      Furthermore, frustrating as it is, I state my commitment to cause, regardless.


  2. Yeah, I have no sense of humor. You knew that :)

    And I want something new to read. Publish a new entry already. Gosh!
